In This Newsletter
- Spring Fishing Report
- New Lodging Options
- Snowpack
Old man winter has had a firm grip on southwest Montana until now. The first signs of spring have arrived. The sandhill cranes have arrived for their annual spring nesting season, and ice is starting to retreat on our lakes and rivers, allowing us to gain more access every day. The next four weeks offer a great window to book your trip and get on our waters with one of our guides. The fish have had little to no pressure all winter long, historically we won’t see the high and muddy waters of runoff until the second week of May, and the crowds of anglers are yet to arrive.
Fishing Report
Madison River – We can always find fishable water on the Madison, even during runoff. That’s one of many reasons why this river is so legendary!
We have access to all of the lower Madison from Warmsprings FAS to Headwaters FAS near Three Forks, MT. The upper Madison still has a fair amount of snow at Raynolds Pass, Pine Butte, and Lyons Bridge Fishing Access sites. You can gain access to these ramps if you are willing to drag your boat through the snow to the water. FAS ramps Windy Point, Ruby Creek, McAtee, Story Ditch, and Varney are all accessible with a boat. The annual ice build-up from 8-Mile to Ennis Lake has kept us from getting a boat into these sites – stay tuned for when these fishing access sites open up.
A reminder that once runoff is in full swing, the Madison from Quake Lake to Palisades FAS will fish well. The water will be off-color but don’t let that intimidate you. If you are fishing below the West Fork of the Madison, you will be confined to the east side of the river and the center down to Palisades FAS. The water clarity on the west side below the West Fork will be minimal and unfishable. The lower Madison below the Beartrap Canyon from Warmsprings FAS downriver will fish well too. Cherry Creek will dump dirty water into the Madison at Damselfly FAS, but don’t let this deter you.
Cameron Gauging Station on 4/7/23 – 1290 CfS.
Water temperature: 34℉ at noon.
Recommended patterns to have in your box over the next four weeks
- Pats Stonefly nymph, black with olive legs – size 8-4
- Pats Stonefly nymph, olive with brown legs – size 12-8
- Lightning Bug, purple and pearl – size 18-14
- Perdigon – Purdee John Brown– size 16-14
- Spanker, pheasant tail, purple– size 16-14
- Green Machine, pt or chartreuse – size 18-14
- CDC Prince – size 16-10
- CDC Baetis Emerger, green & purple – size 16-14
- San Juan Worms, red & orange – size 6-2
- Egg patterns, orange, yellow or pink – size 16
- Adams & Parachute Adams – size 18-14
- Purple Haze -size 16-14
- Flushfloater Stone Skwala – size 10
- American March Brown – size 14
- Griffith Gnat – size 22–18
- Barely Legal, olive/white – size 6
- Peanut Envy, olive – size 2
- Mike’s Pec’s, olive – size 6
Missouri River – has been fishing very well in both the jet boat section (below Hauser Dam) and the drift boat sections (below Holter Dam). Water temperatures are still very cold, 37℉.
Upper Holter Lake has been fishing better than the river in the jet boat section up to Hauser Dam. Due to the colder water temperatures, we have not seen a significant push of fish into the river yet. Still, we anticipate more fish moving into the river over the next week with the forecast of warmer temperatures.
The drift boat section below Holter Dam has been fishing very well. The section from Holter Dam to Craig FAS has a higher fish concentration – more than any other section. However, we are catching fish downriver to Pelican FAS. The dry fly fishing has been best on overcast days, starting around 2 pm with Blue-Winged Olives and Midges.
Holter Dam Gauging Station on 4/7/23 – 5440 CfS.
Water temperature: 37℉ at noon.

Recommended Patterns
- Soft Hackle Sow Bug, pink and tan – size 16-12
- Lighting Bug, pink & purple – size 16-14
- Firebead Ray Charles, grey, pink & tan – size 16-14
- Pill Popper – size 16-14
- Perdigon – Purdee John Brown– size 16-14
- Tailwater Sow Bug – size 16-14
- Green Machine – size 16-14
- CDC Baetis Emerger, green & purple – size 16-14
- San Juan Worms, red & orange – size 6-2
- Egg patterns, orange, yellow or pink – size 16
- Adams – size 18-16
- Parachute Adams – size 18-16
- Purple Haze – size 18-16
- Griffith Gnat – size 22—18
- Biot Midge, black – size 20-18
- Antonio’s Quill Midge – size 20-18
- Morgans Midge – size 20-18
- Kreelex, gold/silver – size 4
- BH (bead head) Wooly Bugger, black – size 8-4
- Sparkle Minnow, olive – size 4
- Zirdle Bug, olive – size 8 (dead drift as a crawfish pattern)
- Blanace Leech, Black – size 8
Ruby River – Flows are still low and holding around 100 cfs. Fishing continues to be great! The dry fly fishing with Baetis and Midges has been best in the afternoons around 2 pm on overcast days. Crowds are variable depending on the weather. Pick the worst day if you don’t want any crowds. Bring bear spray for the moose. The moose frequent the Ruby Valley and are in the calving season – bear spray works just as well on an angry mama moose.
Ruby River Below Reservoir Near Alder Gauging Station on 4/7/23 – 108 CfS.
Recommended Patterns
- Lightning Bug, purple and pearl – size 18-14
- Perdigon – Purdee John Brown– size 16-14
- Spanker, pheasant tail, purple– size 16-14
- Green Machine, pt or chartreuse – size 18-14
- CDC Baetis Emerger, green & purple – size 16-14
- San Juan Worms, red & orange – size 6-2
- Egg patterns, orange, yellow or pink – size 16
- Adams & Parachute Adams – size 18-14
- Purple Haze -size 16-14
- Griffith Gnat – size 22–18
- Conehead Bow River Bugger – size 6-4
- BH Wooly Bugger, black or olive – size 6-4
- Zonker, natural or olive – size 6
Yellowstone River – As of 4/7/23, conditions are perfect for the Yellowstone River. CFS at the Livingston gauging station is 1200, and the water temperature is 41℉ at noon. These conditions will most likely change after the warm spell on Monday, April 10th, and Tuesday next week, with nighttime highs staying above freezing. We may even see some dirty water as a result. Contact us for up-to-date information before you decide to fish at the Yellowstone.

Livingston Gauging Station on 4/7/23 – 1200 CfS.
Water temperature: 41℉ at noon.
Recommended Patterns
- Lightning Bug, purple and pearl – size 18-14
- Perdigon – Purdee John Brown– size 16-14
- Spanker, pheasant tail, purple– size 16-14
- Green Machine, pt or chartreuse – size 18-14
- CDC Baetis Emerger, green & purple – size 16-14
- San Juan Worms, red & orange – size 6-2
- Egg patterns, orange, yellow or pink – size 16
- Adams & Parachute Adams – size 18-14
- Purple Haze -size 16-14
- Griffith Gnat – size 22–18
- Barely Legal, olive/white – size 6
- Peanut Envy, olive – size 2
- Mike’s Pec’s, olive – size 6
- Zonker, natural or olive – size 6
Gallatin River – Wade fishing or fishing from the drift boat is a great option right now until we see the muddy waters from runoff around the second to the third week of May. With the current colder water temperatures, focus on the slower, deeper pools. Nymphing will be your best bet with Beatis and Midge patterns. Overcast days in the afternoon could produce some dry fly fishing with Beatis patterns like a Parachute Adams or Purple Haze in sizes 18-16.
Logan Gauging Station on 4/7/23 – 697 CfS.
Water temperature: 42℉ at noon.

New Lodging Options
We have partnered with several area hotels to get you the best rates possible when fishing with us. Look for these area hotels on our website soon. To receive the discounted rate, you have to book your stay through us. Rates will vary depending on the time of year and demand – please contact us for availability and current rates.
Bozeman, MT
Three Forks, MT
Ennis, MT
Helena, MT
West Yellowstone
Although some of us are tired of shoveling snow this winter, we must not complain. For the second year in a row, we are in a great position with snow levels in Southwest Montana going into our spring. We will have no problems filling our reservoirs from high-elevation lakes like Hebgen Lake to lower-elevation lakes like Fort Peck Reservoir. This bodes well for our rivers and the trout!
Thank you for staying connected with us on current conditions, reports, and news!